Posts made in June 2024

Before and after bathroom makeover

Real Transformations: Before and After Bathroom Makeovers

Transformative Bathroom Renovations for Your Phoenix Home

Many homeowners dream of the perfect bathroom makeover. After all, a pristine bathroom rarely comes with the house! At Re-Bath & Kitchens, we love helping residents of Phoenix, AZ and the surrounding areas bring their design dreams to life. A well-executed bathroom remodel not only transforms an outdated bathroom into a spa-like haven but also significantly increases the value of your home. From improved energy efficiency and enhanced comfort to a more visually pleasing and functional space, the benefits of a bathroom makeover are wide-ranging. Let’s take a look at some of our favorite transformative bathroom renovations from our gallery and unpack how you can get similar results.

Implement Today’s Most Popular Materials

Any good before-and-after bathroom makeover photo set shows some of the best materials on the market. The team at Re-Bath & Kitchens is proud to offer many of these materials, and we can help you choose the ones that will deliver on your vision. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Cabinets—We feature in-stock cabinets in a variety of colors and finishes. But for something extra special, you’ll want to invest in semi-custom or custom cabinets.
  • Countertops—Countertops are essential to any bathroom, so be sure to choose a material that guarantees both durability and style. Our installers can walk you through these options: granite, quartz, marble, solid-surface, and laminate.
  • Flooring—Creative bathroom flooring is trending! Opt for bold ceramic tiles, eco-conscious bamboo flooring, or classic luxury vinyl.
  • Lighting—Lighting is crucial to any bathroom. The best lighting both sets the mood for relaxation and provides the clarity you need while getting ready in the morning. Transform your space with wall sconces, accent lighting, or task lighting.

Adding a Walk-In Tub

Accessibility is becoming the focus of more and more remarkable bathroom transformations. Re-Bath & Kitchens aims to make your space easy to use for the whole family despite mobility issues. We often recommend walk-in bathtubs for people who can no longer shower safely, and our specialists can suggest a range of other accessibility measures. As you’ll see in our gallery, many of our designs feature these safety precautions:

  • Hand-held showerheads
  • Shower benches
  • Low-threshold showers
  • Water jets

Bringing in Natural Light

Natural light is another key component of our most impactful bathroom remodels. Ample natural light makes colors pop and textures stand out—not to mention the potential health benefits! Plenty of light can improve mood and boost vitamin D levels. Beyond that, natural light can make a bathroom appear more spacious and welcoming. We often incorporate design elements like skylights, larger windows, and frosted glass panels to ensure these spaces get the most benefit out of natural sunlight.

Incorporating Your Personality

We love helping homeowners incorporate their personal style into their bathroom designs. Our team knows that the bathroom is not just a functional place, and with the right eye for detail, it can express your individual style and preferences. Whether you’re drawn to sleek, modern aesthetics or the timeless appeal of traditional designs, our approach begins with a deep understanding of your unique tastes and lifestyle needs. By selecting customized color schemes, materials, and finishes that resonate with you, your bathroom can meet your functional requirements and mirror your favorite aesthetics.

How a Bathroom Remodel Can Benefit You

Every inspiring bathroom makeover project brings a wealth of benefits! Look forward to these advantages of a bathroom remodel:

  • Improved Functionality—Upgrading fixtures and layouts can significantly improve the functionality of a bathroom, making it more suitable to your needs. In addition, modern bathrooms often feature water-saving toilets, efficient showers, and energy-efficient lighting, leading to lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Increased Home Value—A well-designed bathroom remodel can offer a substantial return on investment by increasing your home’s market value. Bathrooms are among the key features potential buyers evaluate when purchasing a home, and a remodeled bathroom will make your home significantly more appealing.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics—Of course, remodeling gives you the opportunity to transform an outdated bathroom into a beautiful and modern space. With a wide range of design choices available, you can create a bathroom that truly reflects your personal style and preferences.
  • Added Comfort and Luxury—A bathroom remodel can introduce a level of comfort and luxury to your home. From heated floors and towel warmers to jetted tubs and steam showers, there are countless upgrades available to create a more luxurious and relaxing experience.

Customized to Your Wants and Needs

At the end of the day, your bathroom should cater to all your wants and needs. The team at Re-Bath & Kitchens is trained in design and installation, and we’ll be at your side during the entire remodel. The result is a long list of bathroom remodeling success stories and countless happy customers. Are you ready to start your remodel? Contact us today, and let us know your vision.

A bathroom with a round mirror and a sink

The Role of Lighting in Bathroom Remodeling

Renovating your bathroom can transform it from a purely functional space into a room that adds value and comfort to your home. While it’s common to focus on fixtures, tiles, and faucets, the unsung hero of any bathroom remodel is undoubtedly the lighting. An effective lighting scheme doesn’t just illuminate your bathroom; it enhances the ambiance, improves functionality, and alters how the space is experienced. The team at Re-Bath & Kitchens can help you better understand optimal bathroom illumination and how you can achieve it in your Phoenix, AZ home.

Functional Bathroom Lighting to Consider

When considering lighting for your bathroom remodeling project, it helps to understand the three main types of lighting that work together to create a well-balanced space. Each plays a unique role in functional bathroom lighting, and you’ll benefit from a combination of the following:

Task Lighting

Task lighting is all about functionality, providing adequate light for daily grooming tasks like shaving or applying makeup. The key here is to minimize shadows and ensure even illumination. Side-mounted sconces or vertical fixtures on either side of the mirror are ideal for casting an even light across your face—that means a clear view of the mirror without glare. Recessed ceiling fixtures over showers or bathtubs also enhance safety while maintaining a sleek look.

Accent Lighting

Accent lighting is like the cherry on top of your bathroom’s design. It highlights architectural features, artwork, or even intricate tile work, adding depth and dimension to the space. Small LED recessed lights pointed at a decorative piece can turn it into a focal point. Some lighting fixtures themselves can serve as a piece of art—think chandeliers and detailed wall sconces.

Natural Lighting

The infusion of natural light can dramatically affect the mood and perception of space in your bathroom. A skylight or a frosted window not only boosts the room’s visual appeal but also brings the mood benefits of natural sunlight. It can make the bathroom feel more open, airy, and connected to the outdoors. Whenever possible, incorporating elements that allow for more natural light should be a priority in a bathroom remodel.

Creating the Best Bathroom Lighting Design

Now that you know what kinds of lighting you can incorporate, it’s time to consider some other factors that impact your bathroom lighting design. Fortunately, Re-Bath & Kitchens can help guide you through the selection process and ensure you’re making educated decisions throughout the remodel. Be sure to factor in these techniques to enhance your bathroom ambiance:


Layering is the best way to make the most of all bathroom lighting approaches. We often recommend combining task, accent, and natural lighting to achieve a balanced and flexible lighting scheme. This approach allows for different functions depending on the time of day and the task at hand.


Installing dimmer switches gives you control over the intensity of light, helping set the mood for a relaxing bath or providing bright light for morning routines.

Energy Efficiency

Eco-consciousness is gaining popularity in the interior design space. If you’d like to incorporate sustainability into your bathroom, opt for LED fixtures where possible. They consume less energy, emit less heat, and have a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs. They’re a smart choice for both the environment and your utility bills!

Color Temperature

When illuminating bathroom spaces, pay attention to the color temperature of the lighting. Cooler temperatures can impart a crisp, invigorating feel perfect for task lighting, while warmer temperatures create a cozy and inviting atmosphere ideal for relaxing baths. The choice is up to you and your preferences!


Last, but certainly not least, come safety considerations. Bathroom lighting effects are essential for creating a safe environment in the shower, especially in the dark of night. Always choose fixtures rated for use in wet environments to ensure safety and durability in the bathroom’s humid conditions.

Allow Re-Bath & Kitchens to Light the Way

Proper lighting is key to making a good bathroom renovation great. After all, lighting serves plenty of practical purposes while also elevating your space’s aesthetic appeal. By thoughtfully integrating task lighting, accent lighting, and natural light, Maricopa County homeowners can significantly enhance the ambiance and functionality of their bathrooms. At Re-Bath & Kitchens, we know the best bathroom lighting scheme is one that is adaptable, energy-efficient, and aligned with the room’s overall design theme. Look to our team as you reimagine your bathroom lighting.

A small bathroom with a sink and a bathtub

Maximizing Space in Small Bathrooms

Your Guide to Maximizing Bathroom Space

Small bathrooms pose a unique challenge for homeowners. While they’re often easier to clean and maintain, finding ways to make them look and feel more spacious can seem like a tall order. However, with a bit of creativity and strategic planning, even the tiniest of bathrooms can be transformed into a functional space that seems large. At Re-Bath & Kitchens, we have years of experience helping Phoenix, AZ homeowners maximize their bathroom space. Check out our top tips for creating the ideal bathroom for your needs.

Focus on Being Space-Efficient

When dealing with a tiny bathroom, every inch counts. We recommend choosing design elements that maximize your small bathroom space. Fortunately, this doesn’t limit your options! Here are just a few potential aspects of a space-efficient bathroom design:

Wall-Mounted Fixtures

Place essential bathroom fixtures along the wall to make the most of your floor space. Experiment with different bathroom layouts, and try putting fixtures like the toilet and the sink against the wall. This will maximize your floor space and ensure you have room to move around.

Corner Sinks

If simply mounting your sink on the wall doesn’t offer enough extra room, try tucking it away in a corner. Installing a sink in this area can prevent clutter and traffic lane obstructions, especially in bathrooms where entry doors and shower doors already clash.

Sliding Doors

Eliminate the possibility of door crashes with sliding doors. These fixtures don’t require as much space as swinging doors. Definitely implement a sliding door for your shower, and consider switching out your entry door, too.

Consider an Elegant, Compact Bathroom Layout

A well-planned layout can go a long way to preserve your bathroom’s functionality and the illusion of size. We suggest combining your shower with your bathtub to save valuable space. Beyond choosing more compact features, you can also create the perception of more space by adding certain design elements. Our team often installs continuous flooring using light-colored tiles, as the same flooring across the entire bathroom can make your space appear bigger. In the same vein, we often recommend vertical lines that draw the eye upward and further create the illusion of space.

Incorporate Smart Storage Solutions

Clutter is the enemy of small spaces. Luckily, you have plenty of options for small bathroom storage solutions. Every homeowner has different needs when it comes to storage, but our team can help you sort through the following options:

Tall Storage Units

Choose tall, slim storage units that occupy less space than traditional cabinets. This saves floor space while still creating lots of space to put your linens.

Floating Shelves

No available floor space? Consider floating shelves. These storage solutions are perfect for keeping towels and toiletries out of the way without sacrificing floor space.

Mirrored Medicine Cabinets

A mirrored cabinet over the sink serves a dual purpose. It provides storage for small items like medication and personal hygiene supplies while also reflecting light and making your space seem larger.

Magnetic Strips

Installing a magnetic strip for metallic items like bobby pins and tweezers can keep small items organized and out of sight. This fixture is easy to DIY!

Use Light and Mirrors to Your Advantage

If you’re still worried about small bathroom space optimization, be sure to use light and mirrors to your advantage. Using them strategically can transform a cramped bathroom into an open, airy space. Consider enlarging any existing windows to bring in the most natural light. If that isn’t an option, use mirrors to increase the bathroom’s visual size. Above the sink or opposite a window are always good location choices. Glass shower doors are yet another way to reflect light and create the illusion of more space. They allow the eye to travel through the bathroom, making it appear larger.

Make the Most of Your Space With Re-Bath & Kitchens

While small bathrooms can present challenges, they also offer the opportunity to get creative with your design solutions. By focusing on space-efficient designs, compact layouts, and space-maximizing bathroom fixtures, you can create a functional space for the whole family. If you need some help designing your ideal bathroom, look to the team at Re-Bath & Kitchens. We’re glad to use our expertise to help homeowners in Maricopa County. Contact us today to learn more about maximizing a small bathroom without compromising function.