Save Water & Money (Part II)

How to Save Water (and money) with your Bathroom Remodel Part II

(For more water and money saving tips, check out How To Save Water (and money) with your Bathroom Remodel Part I!)

Though it’s one of the most plentiful resources on earth, water is also one of the most expensive – and certainly the most precious. In our last post, we talked about the many ways you can turn your shower from one of your bathroom’s most wasteful features into one of the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Though the shower has the potential to be the biggest water waster in your bathroom, you’ll be surprised to learn that both the toilet and the sink can certainly contribute their fair share to your water bill. Now that we’ve got the shower out of the way, let’s examine how we can tackle these other two potential water gushers, and strategize some more ways your conservation-centered remodel can give you the bathroom of your dreams without the hefty monthly bill.

Save Water and money With Toilets


Though it wouldn’t seem that our thrones use a large amount of water throughout the day, the EPA estimates that standard toilets use over a gallon and a half each time you flush them, making it one of the biggest water users in our home. Some older model toilets can even use as much as seven gallons each time they flush – an extremely high number especially for bathrooms that get pretty consistent usage. Though the average toilet may not be the worst offender in your bathroom, it’s definitely an instance where even a small step in the right direction will make a huge difference in the amount of water you use.

To keep your remodel from flushing away more cash and water than it needs to, make sure you select a toilet that is designated low-flow or water-conserving. The EPA has a partnership program called Watersense, which designates certain toilets as environmentally friendly, and the Watersense label is a great way to ensure your new toilet doesn’t stink up your efforts to reduce your water use.

Though adopting a Watersense-approved product is a great first step, saving water and money with our toilets isn’t just about how much water they use when we flush, but also what we are flushing and how often. If we’re speaking frankly: not all trips to the bathroom require just one flush, and often times waste and paper need several flushes to be properly disposed. Scientific American, one of the foremost print journals on all matters of science, has the solution to this common problem, and it’s something every cost-conscious and environmentally minded remodeler will want to consider: a bidet!

Though they’re popular almost everywhere else but North America, bidets offer those who use them a sanitary and easy way to keep themselves clean after doing their duties – just one of the reasons the fixture’s popularity is beginning to surge in the U.S. Bidets save money and resources in several ways, starting with the fact that a bidet user has much less reason to flush the toilet – an upfront improvement to your overall water usage. Bidet users also purchase considerably less toilet paper, which not only helps your weekly budget but the environment as well. The water savings also go far beyond your little loo; Scientific American states that to manufacture the 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper that Americans use every year, over 473 billion gallons of water and over 250 tons of bleach are used. That’s a whole lot of waste – pun intended.

When it comes to cleanliness, cost-effectivity, and minimizing environmental impact, the bidet simply can’t be beaten and should be on the must-consider list for all remodelers.

Save Water and money With Sinks

Just like showers and toilets, an outdated sink can be a big waster when it comes to water usage. The EPA estimates that standard sinks use over 2 gallons of water per minute, and when you multiply that by all of the time you spend brushing your teeth, washing your hands, or cleaning yourself up everyday, those gallons can quickly add up to notches on your water meter. Watersense-labeled and other certified low-flow sinks will help cut your water usage almost in half from the standard sink variety, allowing you to keep things flowing comfortably without the environmental or financial consequences.

If you’re looking for a more automatic way to bring your water use under control, technology can help! Consider installing a hands-free automatic faucet that stops all water flow when not in direct use. You’ve seen these cost-savers in public bathrooms for years, but bringing them in-house is a fantastic way to keep your water usage to a minimum.

Alternatively, if you’ve fallen in love with a sink that may not exactly be low-flow, you can help your cause by having your professional remodeler install a faucet aerator, which will help curb your water use without sacrificing comfort, convenience, or esthetic quality.

Conclusion: The Final Flush

Before we wrap up all the ways you can save water with your bathroom remodel, there is one more thing to consider: the biggest offender of water waste is improperly installed fixtures. A leaky faucet alone can waste over 3,000 gallons per year – enough to take more than 180 showers! The EPA estimates that the average household can lose over 10,000 gallons of water each year to leaks, creating a problem for not only the environment but also your pocketbook. Sure, many times old and outdated fixtures are to blame, but leaks can also spring from inexperienced hands trying to install plumbing equipment without the proper training or experience.

The best way to combat leaks is to have your remodel done by professionals who understand not only how to build you the bathroom of your dreams, but also how to make sure things are done right. ReBath’s exceptionally talented team will guide you through the entire process–from concept to installation–and leave you with a bathroom that will not only make you proud, but will also help the environment and to save you money.

Ready to revamp your restroom and slow your flow usage? Start today by scheduling a consultation with the ReBath staff, and you’ll be conserving in no time!

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